All the hands-on videos and tutorials will be posted here.

  • Understanding Graphs with NetworkX
    tl;dr: In this tutorial we discussed NetwokX library to deal with Graph data.
    [notes] [codes] [Video]

    Suggested Readings:

  • Classification of Graph Data using Machine Learning Algorithm based on Graph features
    tl;dr: In this tutorial we discussed how to do classification on Graph data using it's features.
    [notes] [codes] [Video]

    Suggested Readings:

  • Node2Vec implimentation from scratch and classification of graph using node2vec generated embeddings.
    tl;dr: In this tutorial we discussed how to implement Node2Vec from scratch using python and do classification on Graph data using generated embeddings from node2vec.
    [notes] [codes] [Video]

    Suggested Readings:

  • Implementation of GCN and GAT using PyTorch (from scratch) and using PyTorch Geometric.
    tl;dr: In this tutorial we discussed how to implement GAT and GCN from scratch using python, PyTorch and do classification on Graph data using generated embeddings from GAT and GCN.
    [notes] [codes] [Video]

    Suggested Readings:

  • Transductive vs Inductive Learning on GNNs for Node Classification.
    tl;dr: In this tutorial we discussed how to implement models for both inductive setting and transductive settings. We have discussed the differences in the performace of both the methods on correponding data settings.
    [notes] [codes] [Video]

    Suggested Readings:

  • Link Prediction using GNNs (Transductive vs Inductive Learning)-Part_1.
    tl;dr: In this tutorial we will first understand how we can slpit the given data for the link prediction task. Later on we will see how can we do link prediction on Cora Dataset.
    [notes] [codes] [Video]

    Suggested Readings:

  • Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning with Differentiable Pooling.
    tl;dr: In this tutorial, we will first understand the architecture of DiffPool and the overall graph classification model. Later on, we will see how can we do Graph Classification on ENZYME Dataset.
    [notes] [codes] [Video]

    Suggested Readings: